Welcome to Co-Operators

A space to share, learn, and grow with business professionals seeking systems and social change.

Who are we?

We are a vibrant community of business professionals daring to reimagine and revolutionize the way business serves humanity. We bring together the curious, the passionate, and the determined - those who seek to challenge norms, inspire change, and make a meaningful impact. We enable the discovery of individual and collective pathways towards economic justice and solidarity. Together, we are stronger, bolder, and ready to change the world. 

Who are you?

Maybe you're a consultant or an investment banker. Maybe you work at a non-profit or in the government. You might be a program manager, marketer, coder, accountant, entrepreneur. Maybe you're a CEO, or you want to be. You might have an MBA. You might not. You're just as likely to be burnt-out as you are to be fired-up. 

Whatever and whoever you are, if you're here, you're probably this: A business professional hungry for an economy that centers people and the planet. You are tired of the status quo and seek kindred spirits to learn with and from. You want to use your time on earth to employ the tools of business to bring about meaningful, positive change for humanity.

Why should you join us?

Our community, resources, and events are crafted to inspire personal growth, foster a space for meaningful dialogue, and instigate systemic change in pursuit of a better world.

As a Co-Operator, you will be able to:

  • Enhance your network by connecting with like-minded leaders and learners
  • Gain access to curated resources revolving around topics such as the solidarity economy, systems thinking, democratic management, etc.
  • Feel a greater sense of confidence, ability, and hope to make change in the world
  • Expand your career opportunities and capabilities through career pathways, a curated job board, mentors, and more.

We can't wait to meet you.

Co-Operators is a program sponsored by Obran Cooperative, the world's first worker-owned cooperative conglomerate corporation. You can learn more at https://www.obran.coop/.